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The very first generation of Neo Shodai spent most of their life on the crashed Ark. The last two Sages, unsure of the safety of their new homeworld and taking every necessary precaution to ensure the survival of the Neo Shodai, chose to remain on the Ark for the first several decades. During this time they awakened the Neo Shodai infants from cryosleep and began to raise them in the Shodai culture. While teaching the children about the Battle of Urias and the great sacrifice of Captain Rena and her brave battalion of Pilots and Everai, the Sages decided to honor the late captain by naming their new homeworld Rena. All of the data from the scans performed by the Arkβs A.I. Solis told the Sages that other than some dangerous weather patterns and a lack of natural resources, Rena could safely sustain life. Once the Sages were confident that Renaβs surface was safe to live on, they began construction of the capital city. Using whatever materials and technology they could salvage from the damaged Ark, the Sages built their city around the crash site. Not only would this allow the Neo Shodai to continue to use the Ark as a shelter during construction, but it served as a constant reminder to the new society of what it took to get to their new homeworld.
Although the Neo Shodai studied the history of the Shodai, their minimal access to resources led to them having a much less technologically advanced society than their Shodai ancestors. The Sages and the Neo Shodai created a new society built on a caste system where the Sages were in the top position, followed by warriors, scientists, merchants and artisans in descending order. At the bottom of the system were the Outcasts, those who had fallen out of grace by acting against the group or failing to provide value. During the early years of Neo Shodai civilization many conflicts arose and separations in the community led to new villages and cities being built. Fighting amongst the factions grew to a boiling point, but the Sages were able to quell the conflicts between the Neo Shodai through stories of the Shodai Alliance. Inspired by their predecessors and wanting to mimic their ways, the various colonies of Rena established their own global peace.
Due to the uncertain and sometimes hostile nature of inhabiting a new world, the Sages were quick to relaunch the Pilot program as soon as the first generation of Neo Shodai were of age. For this reason the Sages had a top secret cache of Pilot materials on board the Ark. First, they had a large collection of Everglyphs that they planned on finding Pilots to sync with. Second, they had data devices known as Memory Cores that were used for something known as the Origin Program, an academic training protocol designed to teach the Neo Shodai Pilots about key moments from Shodai/Everai history. In addition to the same extensive combat exercises that the original Shodai Pilots went through, Neo Shodai Pilots were also mandated to go through the Origin Program as a way to help to strengthen the mental and spiritual connection to their Everai by allowing them to experience the simulations together. These Memory Cores gave the Pilots and Everai access to an Archive, an augmented reality simulation that allowed the user to experience the Shodai story within. The Origin Program focused on moments highlighting the connection between the Shodai and the Everai, such as the discovery of the Asterstones, the creation of the first Everai, and the Battle of Urias.